Choosing a Life Coach

How Do I Choose a Life Coach?

The most important aspect of choosing a life coach is finding someone who is the right fit for you. You will know when you chat to them over the phone or meet them for the first time whether you will work well together.

Recommendations & Testimonials

Remember to check out their recommendations and testimonials, and if you are seriously considering life coaching then I would encourage you to take up the offer of a free introductory session. Most life coaches will offer this. When you are talking to your coach try to imagine if this is a person you could establish a good rapport with. Does your prospective life coach make you feel at ease when you are talking to them?

Consider Approaches

One coach might encourage you like a drill sergeant another might have more of a softly softly approach. Both of these approaches might be good fit for different clients. My clients tell me that they like my balanced, straight talking approach. My unique style of coaching has elements of NLP, coaching psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, EFT (Tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting. Your coaching experience will be personal to you, as it will be tailored around your requests and your needs.


Because the coaching process is most effective when you are open and honest with yourself and your coach, I will work hard to facilitate this by making you feel safe and comfortable with me. You will feel that you are not alone with your problems, that someone is on your side and “has got your back”. This will make you feel empowered enough to bravely face issues and strive for goals that you never would have on your own.